RPTCL 2023 – Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures

This Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) report explains the governance and actions taken by the Trustee in identifying, assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities in the railways pension schemes.

Adam Gillett / 24 July 2024

Railways Pension Trustee Company Limited (RPTCL), the corporate Trustee of the railways pension schemes, is focused on our mission to pay pensions securely, affordably, and sustainably.

Both the physical impacts of climate change as well as the actions taken to mitigate those impacts, are financially material for pension schemes. This is why we must try to understand the risks and opportunities climate presents to our schemes, and adapt the way we manage the schemes accordingly.

Importantly, the analysis in this report demonstrates that the best climate outcome for the schemes would be where the world meets the goals of the Paris Agreement in an orderly and just fashion. This has benefits for our members – both financially and societally – and is why we continue to dedicate time and effort to this topic.

Read the 2023 TCFD report...